As you might guess with most important questions, the answer is – it depends. Here’s a few stats for context:
67 million people bowled last year.
But only 1.2 million of those people were in traditional bowling leagues (≈1.79%).
Traditional bowling league participation has been in steady decline since the ‘70s.
With the exception of 2020, restaurant food and beverage sales have increased for 13 years in a row.
So let’s ask the question again, is bowling dying or growing?
If you’re referring to traditional league houses, then yes, more than likely bowling looks to be dying.
However, if you’re asking about FEC style, casual bowling centers, then the answer is quite the contrary – they’re growing. And growing quickly. New centers are being built all around the country to capitalize on this trend.
So now that we’ve answered the dying or growing question, that begs the next question: Which one of these does your center lean towards?
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